Sound bath in de bblthk

Sound bath in de bblthkIn the performance by duo Kristina Mau Hansen and Antonin Chudoba, the audience will be taken on an immersive auditory journey. Kristina, a Wageningen-based sound designer and field recordist, will bring a selection from her extensive archive of over 400 sound recordings to life.

Since 2018, Kristina has been recording sounds from various places, ranging from intimate conversations with her grandmother to walks in the Uiterwaarden. For Kristina, performing sound is about creating immersive atmospheres, listening to landscapes and each other, and slowly discovering the hidden polyphonies in our everyday lives.

Antonin Chudoba, a talented cellist and singer, has a deep love for the art of listening and reacting to music. Since 2014 he is part of the young emerging band Hôpital from Aachen (Germany) who plays thoughtful and calm sounds, but Antonin also likes to expand into other musical territories. Music is fascinating when it deeply moves him. In this performance, he aims to explore this state of listening, feeling, and expressing in his unique way.

Together, Kristina and Antonin will offer a unique experience where sound and music merge. The audience can expect a special combination of field recordings and live music, creating an immersive experience. This performance is an invitation to listen, feel, and discover the subtle nuances of our acoustic environment.

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