Theater op Campus van Remco de Kluizenaar

Theater op Campus van Remco de Kluizenaar*english after short dutch intro*
Komende weken schrijft de Wageningse klankkunstenaar Remco de Kluizenaar op de Wageningen Campus de voorstelling “Everything is Connected”. De voorstelling is voor dansliefhebbers, mensen die iets leuks willen meemaken, wetenschappers en andere geïnteresseerden vanaf een jaar of 10, rolstoeltoegankelijk en engelstalig. Het is een rondleiding langs 7 plekken die te maken hebben met klimaat, dierwetenschappen, vleesvervangers en andere voedseloplossingen die ons de toekomst in moeten helpen. Omdat de voorstelling engelstalig is om toegankelijk te zijn voor internationaal publiek, is de rest van dit nieuwsbericht dat ook. De voorstelling is van 25-28 augustus en op 7, 9 en 10 september te zien.
meer info hieronder in het Engels, tickets boeken kan hier:

This week three performing artist are rehearsing a show “Everything is Connected” on Wageningen Campus. In this guided theatrical tour through the Campus, a dancer, a musician and a performer will give their artist impressions on “protein transition” research of WUR (Wageningen University and Research). Researchers in this field strive for a more sustainable food system, an urgent task with huge challenges.
Carbondioxide, nitrogen, climate, eating culture, geopolitics, technology, economy, all lifeforms on earth, everything is connected. Remco de Kluizenaar, Wageningen-based Soundartist invites dancer Yeli Beurskens (who danced at e.g. Arnhemse meisjes, Telder, De Dansers) and Nigel Appelboom (Artez, music-theater), to try to find new perspectives together. If anywhere the solutions for these “antropocenic” problems can be found, it would be in Wageningen. But what if scientist here are worried too about the future of mankind. Can artists help with creativity? Searching for answers, will De Kluizenaar and friends get lost in a world wide web of thoughts, or reconnect to a wood wide web? A musical humorous show with dazzling insights in the history and future of our beloved planet.

tickets can be booked here:

If you where to walk on Campus one of these days, you might run into a trio rehearses a dance that looks like a ritualized version of “old-fashioned” labour with handtools (hoes) on the farmfield, or get attracted by a music-composition created from the sounds of lab equipment. De Kluizenaar about this scene: “i asked Yeli and Nigel here at Axis building to dance to the sounds of WUR technology from inside here, used in making vegan burgers,” sais De Kluizenaar, “in the dance they are pushing eachother uphill, but gravity makes them roll down again. In this we express in their dance the idea of working with or against nature, finding a new balance.” De Kluizenaar continues: “at the end of the show the connection with nature is made urgent in a choreography where sounds of underground life are amplified in a speaker using a soil-microphone” With a twinkle in his eyes de Kluizenaar sais: “the chirping sounds of these insects or larvae underground are amazingly beautifull, i did not know before making this show that there are such nice sound to be found in the ground,” and with a more serious tone: “but the soil-life sounds in the show are made by putting a microphone in the ground at a tree that fell at a the recent ‘climate storm’. On 19th of May a sudden storm with 30 mm’s of rain in 2 hours took down many trees in Wageningen, including some on Campus. De Kluizenaar: “We managed to not clean the damage up but leave the tree there, together with the gardeners of WUR. it is both an image of despair and of hope now in the show. The trees still live and start to form rows of new trees from the branches, i don’t know what might happen if we were to leave them this way.” At least in the dance at this fallen tree, the performers emphasise the perspective of helping eachother, collaboration, and hope.

The show will start with an introduction based on the “Deep Time Walk” from “the work that reconnects” by environmental acitivist and buddhist philosopher Joanna Macy. In 460 meters the history of earth is summarized. Dancer Yeli Beurskens: “That means that every step, every meter is 10 million years. And it is amazing to physically experience how many creatures have been there before us, and how at the end of this introduction walk our stone-age to now is the last millimeter.” De Kluizenaar adds: “and the industrial revolution that causes CO2 emissions and extinction on a geological scale, happens in a time that is so short, it has never been seen before, this is the last 0,0017 mm of the walk, the diameter of a hair, split in 6. To me, that gives the work of WUR on protein transition, and all other transitions of the planet needed in the coming three decades a sense of huge urgency. That is the thought i took into making the rest of the show, starting at Axis, where one of the answers to this urgency is making a plant based steak. Is that enough? and what more is researched here?”

You can come and find out for yourself. Perspectives of urgency, hope and despair, stories and sounds from nature and technology, it all blends into an unforgettable experience, while walking on our own Wageningen Campus. if you understand English, are able to walk a mile, and are approximately above 10 years old, you shouldn’t miss this! Come and see “Everything is Connected” 25-28th of August or 7, 9, 10th of September.
for booking a ticket go to:

(photo, from left to right: Nigel Appelboom, Yeli Beurskens, Remco de Kluizenaar)